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Welcome to Macski's Highland Foods & Gear
Home of the Best Haggis In America


Haggis Sliders

Haggis & Poached Egg Scramble

Scallop with Black Pudding (Kiszka)

What can you create with Macski's Foods?

In 2022, The National Chef of Scotland, Gary Maclean, conducted a cooking demonstration at the Alaskan Highland Games in Anchorage, AK. He specifically requested Macski's Haggis and Black Pudding for that event and we were more than happy to ship it to him. The three dishes shown above were created by him during that cooking demonstration. Haggis may have started out as peasant food centuries ago, but in the hands of a master chef, it can quickly become a culinary delicacy. Thank you Chef Maclean.


Following the event, he commented, "Just say a huge thanks to Vince and the team at Macski's Highland foods for their support with my recent visit to the Alaskan Highland Games, Vince provided and shipped all my Haggis and Black pudding to Alaska for my demonstrations and it was wonderful, the guests just loved having a taste of Scotland."

Gary Maclean,

National Chef of Scotland 

Make every night
burns night

Don't be caught without Macski's haggis when you have a craving for the National Dish of Scotland.


Neeps and tatties alone are not enough.

1 lb Haggis Links-1
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